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You Will Be My Son poster
1h 42min

You Will Be My Son

IMDB Rating
Tu seras mon fils is a movie starring Niels Arestrup, Lorànt Deutsch, and Patrick Chesnais. Paul has no faith in his son, Martin, to inherit his prestigious family wine estate. Paul dreams of a harder-working, successful son - a...
Paul de Marseul, a prestigious wine-maker and owner of a renowned chateau and vineyard in Saint-Emilion, is disheartened by the notion of his son Martin taking over the family business. Martin does not seem to have inherited the qualities that Paul esteems in a wine-maker: persistence, creative insight and technical prowess matched with passion for the job and the product, and Paul frequently reminds him of this, whether explicitly or in subtle gestures. When Philippe, the son of his manager, appears at the vineyard, Paul leaps at the chance to name him as his successor, neglecting the wishes of his own son...
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